Wednesday 22 September 2010

10 days

Ok, so I'm leaving in 10 days.  That is not long at all!  It's funny, I've known about this trip since February, but like everything we look forward to, it seems like it came so fast!  So.  I've got everything ready. Thanks to the help of Lindsay's Mom Janice, I bought my plane ticket (Toronto - London - Brussels).

I've started to look at what I want to do shortly after I arrive there.  First of all, I will be arriving on "nuit blanche" (white night) which is an annual cultural festival.  I implore you to click on both of those things, they are two separate websites, both in English.  Anyway, that will be a nice fun welcome on my first night.

The other things I want to do shortly after arriving include going to the Musée des Instruments de Musique (Musical instrument museum).  They have 7000 musical instruments, from a really long time ago and recent ones too.  That will be so interesting for me.  There are also lots of street markets to go to in Brussels, which I would love to spend a Sunday morning doing.

And of course, one thing that will be an ongoing project will be to try lots of Belgian beer.  If I drink one type of beer a day for a year, I won't have even tried half of the beers the country has to offer!  I'm no beer connoisseur, so I will just share what I think of it... I won't be able to sound professional though!  I have had a few Belgian beers in the past, but never in Belgium!

My kleenex box is empty and I have to blow my nose.  What a tragedy.

I got sick near the end of last week, but thankfully I'm feeling better and I'm sure I'll be back to 100% by next Friday when I leave.

In other news, I was supposed to get my tattoo filled in tomorrow, but they switched the appointment to the 30th of September... the day before I leave!!  I hope I don't get selected for a random 'pat down' when I'm at the airport, that would be a) inconvenient and b) PAINFUL!  The tattoo I speak of is on my right arm from about 2 inches above my elbow to my shoulder.  It is of the Korean painting called 일월오봉도 . Anyway, the point is that it's my whole arm and it will be painful!  Oh well, I love tattoos.  I also have a Canadian tattoo.  Well, I have 4 in total.  Anyway, the idea is that I have a tattoo from wherever I live.  My body is like a map - a visual reminder of where I've been and what I've learned.  I'm looking forward to figuring out how to represent Belgium!  

Alright, I do believe I'm through with all of my updates.  I am going to go watch Hot in Cleveland with Steph. It's this great new show with Betty White whom I LOVE.

Bye bye now!

1 comment:

  1. I can't seem to find anything TO LOVE about Betty White. Now Rod Stewart on the other hand.....I love his HAIR....voice....and yes, his Peter Pan getaway boots.


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