Thursday 30 September 2010


Well, even though traveling is an amazing thing to be able to do, the goodbyes involved really suck.  I've been saying my goodbyes to everyone in person as much as I can, but I thought I'd write them here too.

For the people at work: I spent 8 hours a day with you guys, 5 days a week, and you still like me.  That says something.  You guys made it bearable during the worst times and you became my second family.  I'll miss you a lot.

For my friends: I really enjoyed my year in Canada and even though I'm excited for what's next, I'm really sad to leave.  Each person is in my life for a reason and I really appreciate all of you.

Steph: You know I'll be upset when I leave you.  You're like my other half - living with you was so fun.  I'll miss you so much.  Our morning routine of Tim Hortons & scratch tickets, our trip to Disney, bowling!!  You're the best friend anyone could ask for.  You always know what to say, hell half the time you know what I'm about to say!  I'll miss beds on the couch, complaining about the dishes, messing up your bed, going to Walmart, 7-11... you're great.  I'll miss you I'll miss you I'll miss you.

To my family:  I will miss you very much.  Thank you for supporting me in my decision to go to Belgium, you guys are great.  I'll miss little Logan - can't wait to see how big he'll be when I get back.  G&G - it's been a rough ride the last few months, but I know you're strong.  I'll keep in touch by calling and Skype when possible.  Mel & Jill thanks for being awesome sisters, you both make me laugh because you know it's what I like to do.  Mom & Dad - you're the best.  You both have stories, advice and lessons to teach me.  Every visit we have is fun and I hope we'll have lots more when I get back.

To everyone else, whether they be extended family, people I know from Korea or anyone else.  I'm about to set off on yet another adventure.  Please know all of you will be in my mind and I'll be keeping in touch.  I'll take loads of pictures and videos and post them here.

I'll miss you all.

I love you all.


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