Monday 13 September 2010

18 days.

Well, for those of you who read my Korean blog, you will know that I'm no stranger to countdowns.  I think everyone should have a countdown to something.  They're fun. 

Well, it's 18 days until I go.  I received my visa in my passport a few days ago, and tomorrow I'm buying the plane ticket.  Oh wait, I have to e-mail Lindsay's mom back and let her know my personal information... Ok.  Now that that's done, I will have my plane ticket tomorrow.

In other news, I'm looking at new laptops.  I am thinking of getting one for around $400 - $500 before I go to Belgium, because mine is on the fritz. 

So.  With 18 days left, I am feeling exactly the same as before I left for Korea.  I'm starting to realize that as I'm visiting with people, it may be the last time I see them for a long time!  I'm starting to think to myself how much I appreciate everyone here - my family and friends and how I'll miss them a lot.  But on the other hand, I'm very excited for another adventure overseas.  I know this year will bring similar things to my life as Korea - new people, friendships, bonds.  Most of all, I'll learn so much.  That's what I love about traveling for a long period of time - you soak up so much information.  Not just surface things that you'd only get from visiting for a few weeks, but you really get to see the heart of the country - good and bad things.  I'm excited.

Here's how I felt about Korea upon leaving - "Being so privileged and fortunate to be able to go to the other side of the world for a once in a life time chance makes me feel really lucky. I will always be thankful to Korea and its people for teaching me about valuing what other countries have to offer, and what I can offer to other countries."

I am also very very excited about the potential visitors I have lined up.  My parents said they'd visit, as well as my sister Melissa (all of those people came to Korea!).  In the realm of friends, Steph said she will try to save up money to come visit, and Brian said he'd try to come too!  I remember being in Korea (I will mention Korea a lot in the first few months of this experience; I can't help but notice that the experiences are already somewhat analogous) and thinking "oh how I'd love to show everyone what it is actually like to be here" - pictures and video is one thing, but being there is another. 

As far as french goes, I'm learning.  J'étudie le français depuis huit mois.  Bien qu'il y a beaucoup que je ne sais pas, j'ai appris beaucoup aussi.  Quand j'arriverai au Belgique, je pense que j'apprendre très rapidement, parce que la même chose a se produite quand j'étais en Corée.  Cette fois, je sais plus de la langue avant de partir.  Quand je suis parti pour la Corée, je n'ai su la langue bien.  J'ai seulement su comment de lire et écrir, mais je n'ai su pas que parler bien. 

Some french might show up in the blog, if you really want to you can copy (CTRL + C) and paste (CTRL + V) it into the google translator and it will give you a rough idea of what I'm trying to say!

Anyway, it's late and I have to work tomorrow.  I just thought I'd give an update about my thoughts and feelings right now! 

I wish you all a great week!

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