Saturday 2 October 2010

Just touched down in London town.

I think that is from a song.  Well it's 9:29am here, 10:29am in Brussels, and 4:29am at home.  There is a ridiculously muscular man near by, he looks like a fool... too much people, too much.  There's a line.

Anyway, when flying into the city, I saw the Eye of London!  The flight was short - only about 6 hours.  My next flight is about an hour and a half I think.  I didn't have the internet working in Toronto or I would have updated there!  My next flight leaves in 4.5 hours, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself until then.  Perhaps I'll wonder around into shops or restaurants.  I brought 20 british pounds with me, which I suspect won't buy me much as London is expensive from what I hear.

I'm currently sitting in a terminal where a plane is loading for Venice.  It's the only place I could find a plug.  I plan to charge up my computer a lot here, so I can pass the time on the very short next flight by watching a few episodes of the Golden Girls!

J'arriverai au Belgique très bientôt!  Je suis excité - mon vol partira 14:05, mais je ne peux pas aller à la terminal maintenant, parce que il y a beaucoup de temps jusqu'a 14:05.  

So far, London doesn't seem much different than Canada.  I guess it's because when I travel (with the exception of the states), every country I go to has different languages.  In London they are announcing everything in English, French, German and some other language I don't recognize.

I have to blow my nose, but I can't leave my baggage unattended and I don't want to give up my spot because it's one of the very few that has a plug next to it.  I bought a toothbrush before I left, but I have no toothpaste and I desperately wish to brush my teeth.  Perhaps I can find some somewhere.  Although it will be way over priced.

Anyway, I'm going to go now.  Just thought I would update from London!  Oh, I should go on my facebook "where I've been map" and check off London because I say that airports count as being in the country!  Alright, bye bye now!

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