Thursday 7 July 2011

Internet is back, here are pictures!

As promised, I now have internet back, so here are pictures from the last month that I haven't been able to upload yet!

First, here are pictures of Tournai.  A very charming city in French speaking Belgium.  It's quite small and has virtually no tourist presence, just a simple life, small town.  Tournai was virtually flattened during the second world war.  Lots of buildings in Belgium have dates on the façades saying the year they were built.  All of the buildings in the centre aside from the church and the bell tower were destroyed.  As such, they were re-built all around the same time, but they were built to look like they did before the bombings.  They did a really good job of that and everything looks again like it did centuries ago.  The notable difference is the presence of the dates on the buildings, all in the 1950s, which are mute testimony to the sad history.

Of course, I can't go to a city without trying a new beer.  This one is a top-fermented dark beer.  "Brewed with pure spring water and carefully selected hops and malts.  This dark beer with its subtle and slightly caramelized flavour is preferably served cold".  It was delicious.

 Then there was this museum with interesting displays that involved something like wax figures, but a little creepier.

This is the view of the church from outside the window at the museum.

 Yes, I'm in that picture!

Next on the agenda was Namur.  It is a city which is also found in the French speaking part of Belgium.  I wrote about it in one of my posts already, so here are the pictures!

 This is the view from the top of the citadel of Namur.
 That's the citadel.  It was quite a hike up there, but it was worth it!

That's all of the pictures I have for now.

Later today - my plane leaves at about 11pm - I'm on my way to Moscow!!  You'll be sure that there will be tons and tons of pictures from that trip.  I'm busy packing right now, getting excited.  I've also decided to start reading the last Harry Potter book before I see the last movie next Thursday.  I'm about 100 pages in and there are 700.  I think it's managable.

That's all for now!  I'll update after Moscow!

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