Saturday 16 July 2011


Alright, lots of news!  I have returned safe and sound from Moscow.  Pictures to follow.  I also kept a written journal while I was there, so I'll copy that into a blog post with pictures.  Right now, my friend from high school, Tamara, is here.  It has been fun showing her around, even though the weather hasn't been the greatest.

There are about 4 weeks left until I return to Canada and that excites me.  I'm going to miss Belgium a lot - like - a lot a lot, but I'm also looking forward to getting back to Canada.

Ok, I took about 500 pictures in Moscow, so once I get those sorted through, delete all of the doubles and stuff, I will put them up here for your viewing pleasure.  For now, this is my favourite:

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow

Keep coming back!  Pictures will show up soon!!

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