Monday 25 July 2011

Tamara's visit

Well, recently a friend from Hamilton came to visit - Tamara!  We had a great time, and the week really flew by!  We spent most of the time in Brussels, but we also took day trips to Bruges and Amsterdam.  Here are some pictures from the visit!

We went to Mini-Europe (next to the Atomium).  I'll make a different post for that because there are lots of pictures!

We had waffles!

We went to the top of the Basilica in Brussels!

Then we went to Tervuren which was mainly rainy, but we still had a nice time anyway!

Next was Bruges.  I love that city.  It's very quaint - very touristy, but quaint anyway.

 The next few pictures are of the 'beer wall' which I didn't see the first time I went to Bruges.  It apparently has all of the types of Belgian beer in it!  There were 3 quotes above the wall.  All made by brilliant minds: Benjamin Franklin, Plato and Homer Simpson.

 Then we found windmills!

Then came Amsterdam!  If you follow this blog regularily, you'll have read my post about Amsterdam and how I just love love love that place.  Well, here are a few pictures from this trip!

This was the front window of the Anne Frank house.  I didn't go there last time I was in Amsterdam so this was my first time.  I recommend it to anyone going to Amsterdam, but be prepared - it's quite a heavy place.  It's really sad and actually quite unbelievable to think it was only a generation ago.  

This was taken from the top of the biggest bicycle parking garage in Europe!

Well, there it is!  Our trip!  It was really fun.  She was my last visitor though.  Today is Monday.  Next Tuesday I'm going to Paris for a few days, then surprise surprise... Amsterdam again!!!  haha.  After that, I have under a week until I return to Canada.

I still have some posts in mind to put here.  I have to post about Mini Europe, the National Day of Belgium, and of course I'll be making a post about Paris after I return because I can pretty much guarantee that I'll have filled up my camera's memory card.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Ian, I can't believe you are home in a few short weeks! Time flew by!
    It looks like you and Tamara had a great time re connecting!


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