Thursday 28 July 2011


So in the northwest corner of Brussels, you can find the Atomium.  Next to that there are a few things to do - Mini-Europe is one of them (along with an Imax theatre, a waterpark and some restaurants).

Here are my pictures of Mini-Europe from when I went last week with Tamara!

The Brussels Grand Place!

That's the real atomium, not a mini.

Back to the Grand Place

The right camera angle can really make the places look real!

Well there it is.  There were many many more buildings to show, but I don't want to ruin the surprise and I think you should go there yourself and see them all!  The detail is really impressive and I believe the scale is 1:25.  So all of the buildings are 25 times smaller than in real life.

That's all for now!  Stay tuned for more pictures of my adventures in July!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the place we went to in Korea.


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