Sunday 17 April 2011


So.  This post is about my job at Helixir.  That's the juice bar at the airport.  So far, I'm enjoying it for lots of reasons!  To mention a few: I can drink a lot of smoothies which are not only really good for me, they're delicious.  I go through the security part of the airport (you know when you go on vacation and you have to go through the metal detector and such) every day.  That isn't annoying for me, it makes me feel like I'm going on vacation.  I've learned to put all of the metal stuff in my backpack that I bring with me, so when I walk through the thing it doesn't beep.  The best part of all of this?  I have a card that allows me to bypass everyone in line!  haha.  There was a really big line today and I got to walk past them all, go straight to the security people and go right through!  Fun!

Anyway, that's the news.  I will be manning that location by myself starting on Friday.  It is in Gate B which has all of the planes which leave for North America, so most of my customers are English speaking with the odd French one (which is fine) or the odd Dutch one (which I can't understand at ALL).  Anyway, it's only open in the morning, from around 6:45am-11am.  Before and after that is office work and cleaning.  So, Mon-Fri, I will be the only person stepping into the store which I find so exciting.  Everything will be exactly where I want it, every mess I clean up will be mine, I can organize the whole shop the way I see fit.  Oh, I'm excited.

My other jobs are going well too, but nothing so exciting that I have to put it up here.  My private teaching is great, my students are learning and it's very satisfying to see/hear the difference already!  My 'field researching' position is going well, nothing really ever changes in that job!  Although the first day it took me 3 hours, and now it usually takes about an hour and 15 minutes or so.

Well, that's all [he] wrote!

1 comment:

  1. It's all falling into place quite nicely. Have fun at them all!


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