Saturday 23 April 2011

Weather and cookies

It has been quite hot here recenty - around 25 or 26 each day!  That's quite a treat!  I am reminded of how lucky I am to have this kind of weather when I go on the internet and look up the forecast for my hometown of Hamilton, Ontario.  So today is another sunny hot day.  My parents are coming in 2 days!!! So I thought I will make the same cookies I made about a month ago.  (Or was it just a few weeks?  I forget.)  They're the peanutbutter speculoos cookies.  Very tasty!  I'm excited to announce that I'll be putting chocolate on all of them this time instead of just a few. 

That's all of my news.  Friday was my first day working completely alone at the airport.  It went quite well.  I was busy for a bit, but nothing I couldn't handle. 

That's all!  I haven't got anything terribly exciting to share so I'll go now.  I have to go buy butter for the recipe.  Bye!!

1 comment:

  1. This is it. On my way to work and then we leave. Crepes for breakfast??


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