Saturday 9 April 2011


So on Tuesday I went to Versailles, France.  It's a place just 17km from Paris (I saw the top of the Eiffel Tower from the highway!) and it's most famously known for the Palace of Versailles.  It was originally a hunting lodge, but Louis the XIV changed it into a huge palace.  Here are some pictures!

Welcome to France!  Eiffel towers for sale at the rest stop on the highway

The front of Versailles.  Well, part of it anyway... it's way too big to take a picture of the whole thing!

The chapel

One of the ceilings

Hall of mirrors

Me in the hall of mirrors!

 Now to the gardens - soooo big.
The back of Versailles, about 1/3 of it.

Looking from the middle of the palace into the gardens

 Annick and I!  She's the one who invited me to Versailles - thanks Annick!
Looking back towards the back of the palace from about half way through the gardens

This is the Orangerie whatever that means.  Very well kept though!

Where's Waldo? Ian?

Well it was a great trip.  The palace itself was so impressive, and the gardens were so big it was hard to believe you were even still in a city!  On the way home we watched a movie from 2010 called Karate Kid.  It had Will Smith's son and Jackie Chan.  It took place in Beijing, which I liked because it brought back memories of when I went there in 2009. (and pictures).

Ok, time to go for a coffee.  Today I'm going to the Cinquentenaire park.  There is an event there, with only about 10 or 15 people going.  We are going to have a picnic and play frisbee - we've been having great weather!

Bye now!


  1. Are you going to the park with your Belgian meet up group?

  2. Nope, it's an event that Will organized. I think some people from the meetup group are going though.


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