Wednesday 13 April 2011


One of my hobbies is cooking.  Some people eat to live, I live to eat.  I really really like a good meal.  It can improve my mood by leaps and bounds and I love seeing other people enjoy the food I make.  Today's project (which spontaneously came to me whilst in the grocery store) was Rouladen.  It turned out to be amazingly good.  Seriously, it's one of the best things I've cooked!  It takes a while for the preparation and the cooking time, but it's worth it.

Just thought I'd mention that latest development in my culinary journey!

Tomorrow I'm very busy.  Here's my schedule:
6:30am-12pm - working at the juice bar at the airport
2-4pm - teaching
before 6pm - field researching at 8 hotels

I will be busy, but at least I will have something to do, and once the pay cheques start coming in I'll feel even better!


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