Friday 3 June 2011

Return from Amsterdam

Well, I remember having a very special feeling after going to Tokyo.  I have the same feeling about Amsterdam.  There are the surface things that make it beautiful, like the canals, the houses, the old buildings and monuments.  Then there are things that make it such a wonderful city in my opinion.  Everyone speaks English which is helpful, but should never be a reason why you like or don't like a place.  For example, I've heard people say "I didn't like it in _______ because they didn't speak any English".  Well obviously they're not going to speak English!  That would be like someone from Brazil coming up to Canada and complaining because we don't speak enough Portuguese!!

Anyway, they did speak a lot of English, so it was helpful.  Also, the city is laid out so logically.  It's easy to memorize street names, and the map itself.  It's great.  The public transportation system seemed to be good, although I didn't take any trams - you can reach everywhere in Amsterdam within 20 - 30 minutes walking.  It's quite convenient. 

I liked the balance of every type of lifestyle there.  You have a very heavy tourist presence, but that doesn't take away from the locals going about their daily business (often on very fast bikes!).  In fact, when you're in Amsterdam, as a pedestrian, you do not have the right of way.  It goes: bikes, trams, pedestrians, cars.  They know this rule well, but if you don't you could get hurt.  ALWAYS pay attention to a bicycle bell ringing because it's the only warning you'll get before you're side-swiped by a Amsterdamer!

The history of the city is great - we went on a few walking tours and discovered lots of great information.  I would go on, but I will provide more information in my coming posts about Amsterdam.  I will do posts separately, about a day or two apart from each other that talk about each day or each place that I went to with Melissa.

Well, I'm back in Brussels and just about to unpack.  One more time - Amsterdam is a dynamic, modern city with an excellent state of mind - "Everything goes as long as it's discreet, doesn't hurt anyone and is good for business".  Stay tuned for more!

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