Monday 2 May 2011

Parents visit!!

Alright - I haven't been making blog entries lately, but I have been very busy!  My parents arrived in Belgium last week on Monday.  I showed them around Brussels for 3 days, and on Thursday we went to Ypres.  We visited the Tyne Cot Cemetary - the biggest common wealth cemetary in the world.  We saw the ceremony at Menin Gate, which is right in the city of Ypres.  That is something I have wanted to do since I arrived in Belgium!

Then, on Friday, we left for a 3 day weekend of exploring Europe and visiting distant relatives.  Friday, we went to Soufflenheim.  It's a city in France not far from Strasbourg.  There, we have distant distant relatives with whom we stayed.  The lady actually owns a bed & breakfast, so it was convenient and we stayed at it!  That night, we had a magnificent dinner with a huge Alsacian family.  It was really fun and such a special experience.  I'll write about it more in the post about Soufflenheim.  The next day, we went to Colmar, France and Titisee, Germany.  Colmar reminded me of a small Strasbourg with lots of those houses that have woodwork on the outer face.  Titisee was a small town nested in the thick of the Black Forest of Germany.  They are famous for their cuckoo clocks

The following day, on Sunday, we visited Luxembourg city, Luxembourg.  I really loved that city - it was so green and beautiful.  The layout was cool too. 

After all of that, we came back home and now we're back in Brussels.  I will put up a post for each day or destination in the future, because there are lots of pictures and stories involved!  It will also be easier to read for everyone than one big post! 

The posts will probably start on Thursday or Friday.  Unfortunately, they leave on Wednesday.  I suppose all good things come to an end.  It has been so fun having them here, and a real bonus being able to spend 3 days hanging out with them!

For now, I am going to buy some groceries for tomorrow's dinner - I'm making rouladen again!

1 comment:

  1. Great Rouladen! Your specialty??
    Fantastic trip and even better memories.


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