Friday 10 June 2011

Mel's visit - Bruges

Well here we go with the last installment of my sister's visit.  We went to Bruges!  Since I had arrived in Belgium, people had been telling me that I had to see Bruges.  I understand why now that I've been.  It's such a quaint little city with a very nice system of rivers that flow through the old centre.

We went there equipped with the "Let's Go" travel book to Brussels & Amsterdam (which became our best friend throughout her entire visit).  The Let's Go travel book is a student's guide but it shouldn't be cast aside by a person who isn't a student.  It is a very useful book that gives you very real information and doesn't sugar coat things like other travel books do.  I highly recommend it to everyone!

Anyway, that book directed us to 2 bars which were very well hidden.  The first was called De Garre and it's hidden in an alleyway between 2 of the busiest squares in town.

De Garre Brasserie
The other hidden place we went to was under a church!  The story was that the monks who used to live there would go through the passage way under the church (which is now the bar), change clothes, and go out on the town at night!  This one was called "T' Poatersgat".  I can't put a picture of the outside because blogger STILL hasn't fixed the problem of only being able to put one vertically-taken picture on my posts, so you will have to settle with this picture of the inside of the bar.

Right, the other exciting thing (actually the first thing) we did when we got there was the Fry Museum!  Yes, that's right.  Korea had a kimchi museum, and Belgium has a Fry Museum.  It was in that Let's Go book, so we went.  I have to say, though, that the fries at Place Flagey in Ixelles, Brussels are much better than even the fry museum!

There was more to it that this, but I took lots of my pictures vertically!

Alright, then we went on a very calming boat tour with lots of picture opportunities!  Here are some of the best!

This one isn't from the boat tour, but I like the picture.

Now we're on the boat tour!

Well that was Bruges!  It is one of the nicest looking cities in Belgium I think.  I have been to Ypres, Liège, Leuven, Louvain la Neuve, Knokke, Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent and Binche.  I think that's it.  Monday I plan to go to Tournai which is one of the oldest cities in Belgium.

That's all for now!  Bye!

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