Tuesday 7 June 2011

Mel's visit - Brussels

Alright!  Here we are back on track.  Here's a quick summary of what I did with my sister whilst she was visiting me here in Brussels.

 We visited the Delerium Café (the place with 2004 beers!)  Mel had Cookie Beer which was really delicious!

The last 2 pictures are of a bookshop called "Cook & Book".  It's a bookshop / restaurant!  You can eat at any of the chairs you see there.  They bring you a menu and you order and read!  It's a great idea!  They have good food too, albeit a touch expensive.  I had lobster ravioli.  Turns out lobster is significantly more expensive in Belguim than it is in Canada.  Oh well, it was delicious!!

Then we went to see the Hangover 2, which in French they call "A Very Bad Trip 2" which I find hilarious.  This is the movie theatre we were in.  Very fancy.

Then of course it was her big birthday!  She was in Korea for my 25th, she was in Belgium for her 30th.  I wonder where we'll be for MY 30th!

She did a lot of other stuff while I was working and stuff.  She went to the Atomium and visited downtown a few times.  It was a very nice trip.  I just love having visitors!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had an awesome time! I love how you started out by saying "here's a quick summary" and the first pic is of alcohol! Ha ha. She is on her way back now from the airport! Can't wait to see all of the pictures!


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