Wednesday 15 June 2011


Well, as most of you know I'm no stranger to trips.  Once I get enough money, my mind starts wondering "where could I go next..."

So I looked at a map and noticed Russia is (relatively) close to where I am now.  I thought to myself "It would be cheaper and faster to go there from here rather than from Canada."  So, I'm going!  I didn't want to announce it until my visa got approved because if it didn't go through for whatever reason I'd've given everyone exciting news only to have to take it away.  Well that didn't happen and I'm going!!!!  I'm very excited and have planned the first 2 days of my itinerary and have 2 more days to plan.  Here are some facts about Moscow:

It is the northern-most city in the world which has more than 10,000,000 people.  It was under communist rule until about 20 years ago, maybe 25 (I can't seem to find an exact date, but I'm in a hurry and don't have time to look).  There are more billionaires living in Moscow than any other place on earth (I'm not sure if that statistic is in dollars or rubles.  Rubles would be less impressive considering there are 28 Russian rubles in 1 Canadian dollar)... It is the most populated city in Europe. 

That's all.  As always, I have a countdown: 22 days!!!!!  It's very close and I'm very excited.  As always, I will take loads and loads of pictures.

Alright, I have to go lesson plan.  But I will leave you with a picture of the thing I'm most excited to see / possibly the most famous building in Moscow: St. Basil's Cathedral.

1 comment:

  1. that's beautiful! It looks like a cake Buddy would make on Cake Boss


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