Wednesday 22 June 2011


I just realized I have already used the title "Namur".  Perhaps I should have reserved that title for this post, and my last one should have been "going to Namur" or something of that nature.  Anyway, I went to Namur.

I started by going to the tourist information booth as usual, to get a map and plan out what I wanted to see.  There was a large pedestrian section outlined on the map, and a small one too so I decided to visit those, and also there was a citadel in the city so I climbed up that, from which I had a really great view of the city.

The whole city (I found, and I don't mean to offend anyone) was rather unremarkable in comparison to other cities I've visited in Belgium.  I think the Citadel of Namur is a good thing to see, but the city itself is not as visually attractive as others such as Bruges or Antwerp.

Speaking of the Citadel of Namur, it is accessible by foot, or vehicle (I'm not sure if buses go there, but I did see cars).  Once you get almost to the top, there is a map that shows you about 6 walking tours you can take.  I believe the shortest was 15 minutes, and the longest 2 hours.  That includes the time it should take for you to read the signs that they have posted with historical information.

Of course, I took lots of pictures but I will have to wait until after July 6th to post them because of my current internet situation.

That's all for now!

Oh, one more thing!  A small bird on the street told me that I have a new reader.  For those of you who don't know (and my new reader!) you should check out my youtube channel!  I have lots of videos!!

And as always, I encourage people to leave comments!!!

Bye now!

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