Friday 6 May 2011

Parents visit pt. 1 - Brussels

Well!  Now that I have a day off I will make a blog post with lots of pictures!  As you know, my parents came to visit me.  They returned to Canada on Wednesday.  We spent 3 days in Brussels when they first got here.  Here are some pictures and stories from what we did while we were in Brussels!

They arrived on Easter Monday, and we decided to start our visit with taking a ride on a historical tram through the city and into the forest to the Museum of Africa.

My Mom and I on the historical tram.

 It was so nice to have them there as visitors, but also it was handy because I could get pictures of myself that I didn't realize I hadn't taken!  This is the first picture of me in the grand place!

This is Jannekin Pis - Mannekin Pis' counterpart.

In the café delirium - the place that has 2004 beers!

© - SABAM 2010 - Ian Kivell

Then we went to the Atomium.  That is something that I've wanted to do since I got here but, at first, I didn't get around to it.  Then I ran out of money and couldn't go!  Now that I have jobs and my parents were visiting I decided it's time!  It was really really a cool building... structure?  Whatever it is.  It was built for the 1958 world's fair.  It was the first such fair after the end of the second world war and the monument was supposed to symbolize a strong Belgium which was optimistic and looking forward to a bright future.  The building represents an atom of iron multiplied 65 billion times or something like that.  It's quite cool!  The reason I wrote their website and my name under the picture is because they have ridiculous copyright laws.  Apparently you can't take a picture of it (a public building) and put it on a private website without putting their website and your name.  That would be like someone saying you can't take pictures of the Eiffel tower.  It's ridiculous.

© - SABAM 2010 - Ian Kivell

Of course, I had to do something like this!  It took a few tries, but eventually the picture turned out!  Thanks Dad!

Then what would be a trip to Brussels without going to my favourite french fry place!!  Deliciousness in a cone!  
Most of the time they were in Brussels they wandered and visited things while I worked.  It's fun to have visitors and I'm excited to give the same tours to my sister Melissa when she comes with Karsten!!  The next post will be about what we did on the Thursday that they were here.  We went to Ypres!  Stay tuned!

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