Monday 9 May 2011

Parents visit pt. 3 - Soufflenheim, France

Well, the Friday of my parents' visit, we took the car again and went to France.  We stayed in a town called Soufflenheim.  It is a town that is very famous for its pottery, but we actually have distant relatives there too!  I believe we figured out that the lady who hosted us is my 6th cousin once removed and that her children are my 7th cousins.  Anyway, here are some pictures from Soufflenheim!

 We drove through Germany to get there.  This sign says "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" which means Federal Republic of Germany in German.  This was taken on the Luxembourg-Germany border with Germany in the background.  It was taken in a town called Wormeledange which we stayed in the following night!

This was our host - Richarde.  This picture was taken just after we got there.  It was so nice to finally meet her and her husband because I've heard so much about them!  I can't stress enough how fun it was to be traveling around Europe again with my parents - we went to Austria in 2006 and I had lots of fun then too.  This time was a bit more special because I got to meet these people I'd heard about before!  Anyway, we had a great visit, then headed out into Soufflenheim to the pottery shops.

 The side of one of the shops.

The back end of the B&B

Pottery shops in Soufflenheim!

 I got to go into the back of one of the stores where they were painting the pottery.  It was really cool!

Our B&B
Well it was a Friday night so we decided to go out for Tarte Flambée - a delicious regional treat that can be made for dinner or dessert.  The restaurant we went to was family owned and operated.  The woman who was hosting us brought us into the back to see the magic happen!  It was so cool!!  This is the guy putting the tarte flambée into the oven. 

This is them putting the toppings onto the tarte flambée.  There is this special secret creamy sauce, cheese, onions, and bacon bits (not really bits, but more like strips that were about 1cm x 1cm x 2 cm. In French they're called Lardons and you can click that link to see a picture). 

This was the group we ate with.  My Mom is taking the picture so she isn't in it, but she was sitting in the empty chair on the right in the foreground.  It was sooooo fun this dinner.  The people were so friendly and welcoming.  It was really such a great dinner and the time just flew by.  I really hope I'll meet them again one day.  

Of course, I was thrilled to see fries!

This is one of the dessert Tarte Flambées that we had.  It's apple cinnamon.  It's hard to see in the picture, but they put alcohol on top and light it on fire!  (hence the flambée part of the tarte!)The alcohol on the apple cinnamon on is called Calvados, an apple liquer from Normandy.

This one, also on fire, is the banana chocolate.  The alcohol they put on this one is rum.

That was our trip to Soufflenheim.  Great food, great people, great pictures, great time.  Stay tuned - next post will be about Colmar, France and Titisee, Germany!  Both of which we did on the Saturday!


  1. The flaming alcohol on top of the dessert flambe is called Calvados, an apple liquer from Normandy.

  2. Ooh, thanks Mom I didn't remember the name - I'll add that to the post!


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