Monday 16 May 2011

Parents visit pt. 5 - Luxembourg

Alright, so continuing on in our series of "Parents visit" posts, our last day not in Belgium, we went to Luxembourg city, Luxembourg.  It was a very very attractive city - lots of Green, historic walls and buildings, and a nice valley in the middle of it all.  We ended up there on May 1st I think, which happened to be a festival across Europe.  It's their labour day.  Anyway, here are some pictures from Luxembourg!

My Mom and I posing with the statues!

Luxembourg is on the right side of the river, Germany on the left.  It's the Mosel River.

This is very close to the hotel we stayed at in Luxembourg for the night.  It was in a town called Wormeldange.

This is that valley I mentioned - so nice to look at from above!

A little bit of old and new

My Dad and I enjoying the festivities!

Then we headed back to Brussels.  Here are some pictures from our last days together ㅠㅠ (that's what Korean people type as a :(  which is a sad face.)

This flea market was massive!!

So.  There it is.  The last of the pictures from my parents visit.  And just in time too - my sister Melissa is coming with Karsten for a visit in only one week!!!  They leave Canada in 6 days!! 

There's the obvious excitement that comes with having visitors, but there's something else too.  On another level, with new eyes seeing familiar things, I'm reminded of how I felt when I first got here.  It's fun to let other people discover where I've been living.  Anyway, the point is I like having visitors!

That's all for now!  Stay tuned - remember when I did those commercials?  Well one of them has been published and the link is going to be posted here shortly!

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