Saturday 7 May 2011

Parents visit pt. 2 - Ypres & Passendale (Passchendaele)

So, the Thursday that my parents where here we went together to Ypres.  It's a city that is in the Flemish part of Belgium.  It was the location of some of the deadliest battles of WWI.  Every day since July 2nd, 1928 (with the exception of the city's occupation during WWII, when it was held in England), a ceremony takes place in the city centre at a monument called Menin Gate.  They play the last post and lay flowers and things at the memorial site.  We went to see that, and also we went to Tyne Cot Cemetery.  It's the largest common wealth cemetery in the world, with 11956 graves, and 34857 names of soldiers who don't have graves.  Here are some pictures from the day.

This is Menin Gate

The people who play the last post

A church in downtown Ypres

Canada Lane in Passendale


Tyne Cot Cemetery:

And as well as these pictures, I've made a video of that ceremony and the cemetery.  You can watch the video by clicking here.

That's all for this post!  Next, France!  We went to Soufflenheim and Colmar.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I cried watching the video. It is such an overwhelming experience being among all those gravestones. Thankfully, Tyne Cot is not a "tourist trap" but truly a remembrance of the horrors of war and the price that was paid.


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