Sunday 22 May 2011

Another strange food experience

For those of you who read my blog about my year's stay in Korea, you will know that I'm no stranger to trying new foods.  If you haven't come across that blog yet, well, some of those weird things were Sannakji (live octopus), Beondegi (silk worm pupa), cow blood soup, ox leg's soup (which still had fur on it!), squid and raw fish (which was literally a fish on the table, still wet, which we dug into with chopsticks...)

You can click each of those last 2 links to watch a video of me trying those things!

Last night I tried "Steak Américaine" which sounds like, well, American steak.  You know, something bbq'd with spices on a nice summer night.  Well... it was a nice summer night but the steak wasn't grilled!  It was pure raw ground beef.  It's quite popular in Belgium.  We would know it as steak tartar, but without the egg and other stuff on top of it.  I actually had something different for dinner, but my friend had the raw beef and I tried a bit.

Like most of these weird foods I've tried (with the horrific exception of Beondegi) the flavour was good but the texture was strange.

The reason we had dinner was for Annick's birthday.  She was one of the first people I met when I arrived in Belgium, and you may remember her name from my blog post about Versailles.  She's the one who invited me there!

All in all, it was a very nice night.  Tomorrow Melissa is arriving!!!  In fact, she leaves Canada today!!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like something I would like :) I enjoy my steak while it is still moo-ing!


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