Friday 13 May 2011

Parents visit pt. 4 - Colmar, France & Titisee, Germany

Well here it is, the second last post of my parents visit!  I have been working a lot lately so it is a few days late!  Anyway here's the story.

After a great night that will go down in the books (the dinner with the distant relatives), we started off on our way to Colmar, France.  There, we walked around the city and took pictures (surprise!!).  I also found my favourite blue cheese in the grocery store there.  The cheese I'm referring to is Roquefort blue cheese.  Only 7 companies produce the real thing.  It's something like champagne apparently - only cheese that is produced in the region of Roquefort is allowed to call itself that.  At the same store, my Mom picked up 2 more wine glasses to go along with the 2 that she had bought in Soufflenheim to have a set of 4.

Here are some pictures from Colmar!

It seems that blogger is messing up and it won't let me post pictures that I took holding the camera sideways!  Even if I go into the image editor that blogger has built into it, it won't work. So from here on, the pictures will be only the one way!  At least it worked for the one picture above, that has my parents in it.  I think it's a great picture of them!

Alright, then we went to Titisee, Germany.  They are known there for the cuckoo clocks.  It is a small village nested in the thick of the Black Forest, or as locals would call it, the "Schwarzenwald".  I was overwhelmingly excited to realize that I can still understand a bit of German.  I studied it for one year in university.  The parking guy told me the prices and I understood.  It was exciting.  I bought some things there - honey (made in the forest!), some fruity wine and this coffee liquer ... I don't think I'm spelling that word right... liquere?  Oh it's not important.  Here are the pics!  (but only the ones I took horizontally.  grrrr blogger!)

That was our trip that day.  That night, we went back and forth between Luxembourg and Germany looking for a place to stay.  In the end, we stayed in Luxembourg.  There will be a post and pictures coming up of that day!  I have to hurry and get these posts done though - my sister is coming in 10 days!  Then I'll have even more stuff to put on here!

P.S. Happy birthday 2 days ago to my sister Donna!


  1. When I click on the pic of Dad and I that I think you are referring to, a picture comes up of you and I standing in the street in front of the shops.

    Nice pictures...seeing that Gluwein sitting in front of me in the restaurant in Titisee made me want some. Actually, it made me want to go back to the Black Forest.

  2. Also, for your readers...if you click on the pictures it will make them bigger so you can see them better.


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