Saturday 22 January 2011

Delirium Café

Well last night was the night of the meet up group's first function of the year.  We went to a place called Delirium Café.  It was very fun.  I spent the whole night speaking (in French) to a girl named Susan from Kenya.  This is the group where non-native speakers get together to practice French.  It was very nice!  Anyway - more about the café.  It's located very close to the Grand Place.  It has 2500 different types of bottled beer, and 27 beers on tap!!!  In 2004, it won a Guiness World Record for having 2004 beers in stock and ready to serve.  Now, they've upped the number and the selection is very impressive!  I had to work early, so I only tried 2 different beers.  I rather forget what they were - I remember one was something ambree I think, so I got it because I like darker beers (or brown ones anyway), but it was sweet and almost a bit fruity which I didn't much care for.

Right.  It was a really really nice night, and it was great to meet new people!  I'm looking forward to whatever they do next!  They were thinking of going bowling, and there is a vote online for it, so I am going to vote 'yes' to bowling... OF COURSE!

Alright, time to go.  Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Meet up group sounds like fun. What a fun way to meet new people. Good thing you aren't working at the Delirium Cafe, having to learn all about the 2004 different kinds of beer...and the glasses they are served in. I think cousin "H" would like to visit that place!


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