Thursday 27 January 2011

Writer's Block

I couldn't think of a title for this post.  So, here's a little segment of my favourite show, the Golden Girls explaining the feeling (watch video).

Right, well today I'm going to go to the printer place (I don't have a printer here) - I'm going to print out 2 new pieces of music.  Today I've reserved one of the two practice rooms at Hanlet Pianos for 1.5 hours so I will be able to get lots of practicing done.  I have to remember to bring a pencil this time though... I'll put one on my bag now so I don't forget to bring it!  Done.

In other news, I have opened my bank account which is great, but they have to send me my bank card.  I guess that's in the mail, but I haven't received it yet.  This whole this is taking a really long time.  I reflect back 2 years and realize how fast and efficient everything was in Korea.  I had a bank account within a week of my getting there.

What else.  Oh, I've recently become re-addicted to a Nintendo DS game called Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.  I've had it on my nintendo ever since I bought the nintendo in Korea, but I haven't played it for about a year.  Anyway, it's a storyline game where you have to solve puzzles, mysteries and brain teasers to be able to advance in the game.  It's quite fun. 

I'm also excited to get my bank card so I can deposit the cash I have, and then instead of paying by cash I can start to say things like, "Je voudrais payer par carte" (I'd like to pay with my card).  One of my first purchases will be to buy a 10 trip train ticket that is good for any destination within Belgium.  I have to wait to get paid first to do that, but once I do (I'm not sure when that is), I will buy one.  It more than pays itself off.  My destinations include Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, Ypres, and maybe Oostende.  I would also like to go back to Liège, but only if I still have a trip or two left.

Well, my practice room is reserved from 1:30pm unti 3pm so I'm not sure what I'll do after that.  I think my manager will call at some point today to give me my schedule for next week.  At that time I will be able to tell if I will be available for the social events scheduled for next week which are: Thursday Feb. 3rd (already February?!) there is a Bar Trekking meetup group meetup.  I haven't gone to one of their meetups yet, but many of the members are the same people who go to the Brussels meeup group.  (There are 3 that I am a part of - Brussels meetup [usually bowling meetups], Brussels French Meetup [the people I went to the Delirium Café with] and the Bar Trekkers [who have an event on the 3rd of Feb.]).  The other social event will be with the French meetup group and that is on Saturday when they will go BOWLING!  I hope I can make it because I looooove bowling.

I think that is all of the news for now.  Aside from what I've written here, life is pretty steady - nothing really hugely new going on.  Work tomorrow morning at 9am.  I've decided I like working close shifts (at night time until the wee hours of the morning) better than working in the morning.  That's all.

Alright, time for a shower, then off to practice!  Au revoir tout le monde!

1 comment:

  1. Thursday, February 3rd is also the Chinese New Year. This year you will be bar trekking instead of being in China to celebrate!
    Bruges looks very nice. I wouldn't mind visiting that city. Looks like Venice or Amsterdam.


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