Monday 24 January 2011

The weekend, and protests

Hello!  Well today (after 7 months without a government), there was a protest with about 30 000 people in Brussels.  It was peaceful, just a bunch of people trying to send a message.  The article can be read here.  Once again, if the country makes it until March somethingth, they will beat Iraq for the longest running time by any country without a government!

Anyway, Friday was very nice.  Firstly, I went to the bank and FINALLY opened a bank account!!!! YAY!  Then, I went to the Museum of the Far East that I mentioned in my last post.  It was great.  There were 3 buildings to explore - The Japanese Tower (big, tall and red in the pictures), a Chinese Building (most of the pictures of inside are that building) and a Japanese Art Museum section which was in a building that I don't think I took pictures of now that I'm thinking of it.  Anyway, here are the pictures!

 The Japanese Tower

The Chinese Building

A nice view of the Japanese Tower

Inside the Chinese building.  It was originally designed to be a restaurant, but never actually became one.  Because of this, the first floor is nice and open to accomodate regular people and small crowds, while the upstairs is divided into several small rooms for private parties.  Both buildings were built around 1909 - 1910 and commissioned by King Leopold II of Belgium (the guy who was responsible for making Brussels really quite nice)

I like this one.  It's looking out and you can see the Asian style (although they would never use orange bricks in a nice palace-type building there) and Europe in the background!

That was that.  Work this weekend was good, same old.  I've discovered the most common question I get asked while clearing tables is "What is the password for the internet" and people will ask me for something from the menu so I've gotten quite good at saying, "Je suis désolé, mais vous devez aller et demander au bar, en fait" which means "I'm sorry, but you have to go to the bar and order there actually".  It's become quite habitual actually.  I've also gotten quite good at saying, "Je vais revenir et nettoyer la table pour vous.  Attendez s'il vous plait" which means "I'll come back and clean the table for you.  Please wait".  Sometimes people answer me in English because they hear my accent.  The funniest is when the people don't speak French so they just look at me blankly.  I'm happy that that happens often - it lets me know I'm not the only one around here who doesn't speak French!

Alright, it's late.  I'm going to bed.  I had a lovely hour long Skype session with the family today, they put me at the empty seat at the dinner table!  It was very nice I got to see everyone (except Melissa because she was ice fishing in the frigid north!  Last I heard, wind chills were nearing -50°C.  That's craziness.  I like to complain here about the cold and rain, but it's not even below freezing so perhaps I should give myself a slap on the hand for that.

Ok, going now.  Hope everyone's weekend was great, and that you'll have a good week too!


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