Tuesday 11 January 2011

New beginning

Well, like I promised in my last post, I will put some pictures up here of the BELvue museum.  But first, I should mention - decisions were finally made about the maternity leave at the school and in the end, I won't be covering the spot.  So, I put out resumés and had some pretty unbelievable luck.  I applied to a total of 11 places, and at one of them a girl was working who said to try a place called Café Belga because her friend works there and she knew they were hiring.  I knew about Café Belga.  It was a place I went to within my first week of arriving in Belgium (my October 6th post has a picture from it... actually it's just a picture of beer, but you get the idea).  Anyway, I went to drop off my resume and before I knew it, I had had an interview and was hired!  I'll go back on Thursday with my information and then start working on Monday!

Here are those pictures I promised!

 This was the situation on the plane on the way here.  The seat totally reclined into a perfectly flat bed.  It was truly magical.  They had champaigne, real flowers in the washroom, lights that dimmed, and a person who came around and took my coat until the flight was done!

 This is in the courtyard of a building that is next to the Palais Royale.

 The roof of part of the BELvue museum
 Inside the museum

 This is that comic book character I like - Gaston.

A staircase in a weird building.

That's all for now!  You may remember me mentioning that I was going to make squares.  Well, today I made them and they're in the fridge cooling.  They are chocolate peanut butter marshmallow squares - my Mom gave me the recipe.  She makes them at Christmas time. 

Oh, one more thing before I go - my nephew Logan now has 7 teeth!

K bye

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