Tuesday 18 January 2011


Well work went well.  That was quite the alliterative opening sentence.  My job was to collect dishes and wash them.  Pretty straight forward.  I work tomorrow and I'm assuming I'll either do the same thing, or begin training at the bar.  Anyway it felt good to work again.  I really don't like the feeling of not working.  Mainly because of the lack of money that comes in, but also because I feel useless... like an ornament of society... a bump on a log if you will. 

Anyway it was nice to work again.  I guess that's what I'm getting at!  I'm getting ever more excited about Friday when I will be able to see the people in the French meet up group once again.  I have to work the next day at 9am, so I can't stay out too late, but it will be nice to go out even if it's just for a drink and a chat, then to go.

Now that I don't have to worry about running out of money, I think I will plan a day trip on a train to another city of Belgium.  I will try to get to Ypres, but I'm not sure if I can get there by train.  In any case, I will see what other city I can get to.  Perhaps Antwerp.  that place interests me too.

Right then.  I'll go now.  Time to start my day!  (I realize it's 4pm, but I didn't sleep until 4am last night, so my day is allowed to start late).

Bye all!


  1. Ypres is a wonderful place to visit. Lots of history about WW1 and a very moving 8 pm ceremony. I hope you get to go there sometime before you come back.
    I believe Grandpa was in Antwerp, either stationed there or passing through on a regular basis. It's a big port city-very important during the second war.

  2. I will go to Antwerp next, but Ypres with someone who has a car. That's the plan.


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