Sunday 9 January 2011

I'm back!!

Well I'm back in Belgium!  I got back on Thursday (the 6th) and today is the 9th.  Since then, we've played host to a French girl named Sandrine (who enjoyed video games and board games and therefore is one of my favourite people).  She comes from a placed called Lyon in France.

It was nice to show her around the city because I'm still looking for ways to improve my walking itinerary for anyone who chooses to come visit (I'm expecting some visitors!).  We went to a museum (I'm working on your suggestion Uncle Paul!) called BELvue.  It was a nice museum centred around Belgian history and development both as an independent country and its monarchy.  It was very well laid out and I thought it was very interesting!

On the 7th Belgian beat the European record for a country going the longest without a government.  If we make it to March 30th, we will beat the world record which is currently held by Iraq!!

In other news, Iraq is not a natural word to type.  The moving of the left pinky is rather uncomfortable.

Right.  Well, that's about all.  Sandrine left today.  Tomorrow I plan to go to the commune and harass them about my Belgian identity card (which I thought would have arrived here whilst I was in Canada) and perhaps do some laundry.  I'm also going to make delicious squares at some point.  I returned with chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and mini marshmallows (all of which are next to impossible to find here).

That's my first update from my second (much longer) stay in Belgium.  I have taken some pictures (in the BELvue museum) and I'll put them up here soon.  That's all!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. What's Uncle Paul's suggestion??

  2. He thinks I should take it easy and go to more museums!! haha, I thought it was a good idea!

  3. Why does it say "abowman" in your aquarium?

  4. I think it's the people who designed it.


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