Monday 17 January 2011


Well, it's been almost a week since I found a job.  Today is my first day so I'm nervous.  I'd be much less nervous if I had the same job at home, but this will be entirely in French.  On the other hand, I'm very excited to improve my French and to be able to meet new people.  I haven't been to many museums or anything since my last post.  I have been a slave of routine!  Anyway, yesterday... for the first time in a really long time, we had blue skies and nice warm weather.  It didn't feel like January weather at all!  Actually, it almost felt like May or June.  It was so nice.  I think the temperature was around 15, but when you've been rained on in temperatures just above zero for a few weeks, 15 seems like the tropics!

This coming Friday, the French Meetup group of Brussels is going to meet up.  I'm excited because this is the group of people I haven't seen since we went to the toy museum way back in November (I think it was).  It will be nice to see them again, and this time I will be more comfortable speaking French with them (the last time I hardly knew enough to have a short simple conversation!)

Aside from that, my social calendar is quite empty, but hopefully that will change soon with the other meet up group.  I would like to go bowling soon, but they don't have anything planned.  Perhaps I'll have to take it upon myself to organize something!

Ok, I will eat a little something (my stomach feels a bit queesy but I think that's because I'm nervous) so if I eat a sandwich or something I'm sure I'll feel a bit better.  Then, it's time to go to work!  I will write here how it goes of course.  I wonder what I'll learn my first day! 

Have a great week everyone!

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