Wednesday 16 February 2011


Alright, Belgium is home to apparently 800 different kinds of beer.  So far, my favourite is this one:

It's an amber beer, really smooth and delicious.  I'm not sure if I've written about it here or not.  The reason I'm posting again about beer is because I think I've found the cheapest.  It might also be the worst, but I haven't tried it yet.  I haven't been able to find a picture, so perhaps I'll just buy one and take a picture to put up here.  Anyway, it's the bottled version of this:

It is a beer that is sold at the Delhaize grocery stores (or the 'supermarket' as the Belgians would say).  I forget how much the cans are.  I believe 0.18.  That's a guess though.  Here's the shocking truth that I learned yesterday at Delhaize.  The bottled version is €0.14.  Sadly, that's with the deposit... so we're talking €0.04 cent beer.  I must try.

For a really great, current beer-tasting blog on Belgian beers, I highly suggest reading this guy's blog.
It's got lots of convenient links on the side where you can choose the category of beer and read about it.  Click here to read the blog post of his that talks about Bush Ambrée, my favourite beer so far.

Alright, I'll get my hands on that cheap 4 cent beer and let you know about it.  That's all.  OH!  bowling tomorrow with some friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way too much reading on the beer blog!! That's why I drink wine.
    Pour it. Looks good! Drink it. Tastes good.


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