Sunday 13 February 2011

Marché de la Place Flagey

Well today I went to the Place Flagey (11 minute walk from where I live).  Every weekend they have a market from 7am to 1:30pm.  I will try to go again next weekend and take pictures - they had lots of stuff (expensive though...) including flowers, cheese, meats, clothing, fruits & veggies, and food stalls that sold hamburgers, cheeseburgers, waffles (of course!) and crepes!

I ended up coming home with some blue cheese from one of the cheese booths.  I'm excited to try it!

Before I get there to take a picture or two, here's one I found on the internet:


  1. The buildings look pretty modern around it.

  2. Ya, I think they're from the 50s. I'm not sure though. They whole place actually used to be a parking lot but they renovated it and changed everything. They reopened in 2008!


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