Tuesday 8 February 2011

Brussels City

Well, even though I've been in the Grand Place probably hundreds of times, today was the first time I went to a museum in it!  Just opposite the City Hall, there is a place called the Museum of the City of Brussels (Le Musée de la Ville de Bruxelles).  Here's a picture of the outside of it (pictures inside weren't allowed).

Anyway, inside was a lot of old relics from the old exteriors of the building.  It has had a turbulent history, so has had to be redone many times.  On the top floor there (you can see it's 3 storeys) they had every outfit that Manneken Pis has ever worn!  It was really fun!  In case you're wondering, this is Manneken Pis.

This is my blog post where I explain why he's there. (click here to read!)  Or, you can go here for what is probably a better and more accurate story.

Anyway, he has worn hundreds of outfits and they're all there.  They had one Canadian one actually!  It was based on the traditional clothes of the native Canadians.

So that was a fun museum.  The exciting news about this post is that tomorrow, I will go to Antwerp!  It's a city in the north of Belgium, in the Flemmish section.  It's a big port city (one of the biggest in Europe) and has about 470000 people in the city, and in the area around it still considered the metropolitan area, about 1.2 million.

My Grandpa was stationed there during WWII for about 3 weeks, so it will be interesting to be where he was, although like every other place, it has surely changed quite a bit!!  So.  I'll get my hands on a guidebook tonight and pick out where I want to go and what I want to see while I'm there.  I'll bring my camera (of course!!) and take lots of pictures to put up here. 

That's all I have to say for now! 

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