Friday 18 February 2011

We beat Iraq.

Yesterday, Belgium entered its 250th day without government and at the same time, beat the record for a country with no government.  The previous record holder was Iraq.

There have been lots of demonstrations around the country, and here are some articles I found in the news.  The first is the one that I think is written the best, even though the content might be a bit risky.

Article 1 - Talking about cutting off the "marital fringe benefits" of the political elite to speed up the process of change.

Article 2 - A very much fact-based summary of the current events

Article 3 - A unique way of reacting to the situation. 

The problem is really complex, but basically the country is divided into 2 parts based on language - the French side and the Flemmish side.  It would be easy to split if that was actually the case, but there is a catch - Brussels.  Brussels is a French speaking city, but it is located within the Flemmish area (Flanders).  It is very close to the French area (Wallonia), I think under 3km at its closest point, but that's the problem.  There is still a monarchy which is currently being lead by King Albert II, but he hasn't had much luck in settling things. 

That's all!  Bowling yesterday - we played one game.  I got 128.  Just below my average.  The game started off a bit sloppy.  That's all for now!  Oh, one more exciting thing - before 6pm on week days and 12 noon on weekends, bowling is €2.80 (plus €1.00 for shoes).  I wish I had brought my shoes from Canada, because it feels a little ridiculous to be wasting so much on shoe rentals every time I go.  Perhaps I'll ask my first visitor to bring them.  Along with shorts, because I didn't bring any.  Anyway, compared to prices at home (it was $18 a week = $6 a game) €2.80 is pretty good!  

Alright, I have to go.  Hopefully today will be my final trip to the commune for my identity card.  Hopefully.  I shouldn't get my hopes up.  I might go and have to fill out more forms and get treated rudely, but we'll see.  In any case, I'm ready for the day - I have had my coffee (in a mug the size of a bowl... a wonderful thing.) and I'm ready.  Yesterday was a very nice day with sunshine and (relatively) warm temperatures, but today the sky is so grey that it almost looks foggy.  But it's not fog, it's just gross.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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