Sunday 20 February 2011

MIM (Musical Instrument Museum)

So once again I went to the MIM (Musical Instrument Museum).  The last time I went was before I knew that I could take a video and turn it into a picture.  My camera doesn't work well in low-light conditions, so that is what I did when I went this time.  As such, the quality of the pictures isn't too great, but it's better than nothing!  Here are some pictures from the museum (which is really big and has tons of amazing instruments!!)


The picture above is endives with microphones pointed at them.  The were making music.  Weird sounds, but modern music I suppose.

This is the view from the top of the MIM.

Overlooking Brussels downtown.

The elevator is quite Art Nouveau

I remember suggesting this idea to my piano teacher when I was a kid.  I thought, why don't piano keyboards curve the way our arms naturally move?  He didn't like the idea.  I was right.  haha!!!

Well that's that.  I know I said I'd bring my camera to the Place Flagey market this week, but the weather is not very nice today so that isn't going to happen.  But don't worry, I haven't forgotten!  Alright, I'm going now!  bye!

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