Friday 4 February 2011

Theee weekendddddd!!!!!!!

I'm not sure why I'm so excited about the weekend, as I'm not working or anything, but there it is.  Maybe it's because I'm going bowling on Saturday.  I've started to study Korean again, because I feared that it was slipping from my mind.  I have studied it for 2 days and have already learned to make sentences (which is something I couldn't do after living there for a year).  Rosetta Stone Software is truly amazing.  If you ever want to learn a language, it really is a miracle program.  Here's some of what I've learned (although I'm sure none of you will be able to read it / care)

남자아이가 밥을안막어요. 여자아이가 주스를 마셔요.  That says "The boy isn't eating food.  The girl is drinking juice."  The great thing about Rosetta Stone is that it teaches you how to speak without drilling vocabulary into your head. You become comfortable speaking much more quickly than if you were to just study from a book.  It's great. 

Nothing is really that new since yesterday.  Usually I can't hear the neighbours, but as we are in row housing, I guess it was an inevitability that I would hear them.  It's muffled, but some girl is talking loudly. 

Ok then time to go.  I will make myself a little breakfast sandwich and then head out and find something exciting to do.


  1. Maybe you can use the loud girls' talking as a tool to help you learn the french language. Be a nosey neighbour. LOL. What is she saying??
    About the that because you might go back to Korea to make some $$$$??

  2. It's always a possibility! Not any time soon though, I'd like to stay in Canada for more than a year at least!!!


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