Friday 25 February 2011

Museum Night Fever

After a somewhat iffy day yesterday (I was sick, but a weird kind that I don't think I've had before) I feel fine today.  I guess whatever was wrong fixed itself.  Alright, the latest news in Brussels?  Museum Night Fever is happening tomorrow night.  It seems to be a night when the museums of Brussels (this year there are 19 participating) are open late and have special itineraries.  I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm sure it will be fun.  Afterwards there is an afterparty which is to be hosted by the museums!  I think there might be more than one, again I don't completely understand what will happen.  For the afterparty page, click here.

Out of the 19 museums that are going to be open, I have visited 10, so I will probably be able to see lots of things I haven't seen yet!  I just read that the bank museum will be open again.  I liked that one.

Then, maybe on Sunday morning, I will be able to go to the market in Place Flagey and take some pictures.  Hopefully the weather won't be as rotten as it was last weekend!

Ok, time to go.  Bye now!

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