Saturday 13 November 2010

The goings on of this week.

Alright, here we are in another week.  Another very rainy week.  Here's what's been happening -

Monday I taught at the school, it was a very long day because I was called in the night before to teach all day, rather than just the afternoon which is what I was originally supposed to do.  It's ok though, more work for me!  That night I had a concert that took place at a place called Place Flagey.  An orchestra played a symphony ... I forget now who's it was, although I still have the ticket and could easily look it up... then they played a violin concerto by Prokofiev which was very impressive.  Almost sounded like programme music.  The soloist was a student from the school.

Tuesday I subbed again (but this time only for the afternoon), then that brings me up to the last time I posted!

Thursday was Remembrance Day at home, and Armistice Day here.  Here it is a national holiday.  It was nice to see so many of my facebook friends acknowledging the importance of the day.  The best part of Thursday?  I got to have a nice video chat with my family at home including Kate (I know you're reading this!!) and my Grandpa who was in Belgium during WWII.  Actually, he was lost of places, but since I'm also in Belgium, I thought it was a special coincidence and worth mentioning!  Anyway, we had a nice visit and they told me all about the annual Remembrance Day ceremony that happens at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.  It's always a good ceremony.  This year the seats were full again and people were standing.  It's good to know so many people still go!

Thank you to all of the war veterans, and those serving now for allowing us to have what we have today.  You'll never be forgotten.

That night was a Thursday, so there were museums open late as usual.  We visited a museum called the Museum of Fantastic Art.  It was really strange, weird skeletons and mummies and stuff, but really cool anyway.  Here are some pictures!

Yesterday (Friday) I went to an exhibition in a huge old warehouse building (but surprisingly quite fancy) called "America: It's also our history".  I'm not too crazy about America, but alas I like to learn, so I went.  It was interesting.  Some of the history (I guess this could be said for any country) is just so sad.  The parts that were the worst were the slave trade and WWII.  It was just stunning the pictures and video they had about those things.  Aside from that very serious, very sombre stuff, they had really interesting visual aids about immigration and timelines about the history and stuff.  For me, being a visual learner as outlined by the theoretical and practical research of Howard Gardner and his Multiple Intelligences Theory, I was very happy with the visual aids they had!

Today is yet another rainy day and as such, I haven't left the house yet.  Well, if I never left the house whenever it rained in Belgium, I'd be a hobbit.  It rains quite a bit here.  But today I'm still deciding whether or not to go to a museum, or to just stay in and have a quiet day with the roomies.

Well, that is all for today, here are some pictures to bid you farewell.

This is the main building of the school.  There are lots of buildings on campus.  This one is where there are the offices, HR and stuff.

This is the building that houses the music department.  There is more of it to the right, but the camera couldn't get it all in its scope.

For more pictures, you can go to this section of the school's website.  Check it out, it's a very nice place!

That's all folks!

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