Friday 19 November 2010

Updates and such

Well, I saw Harry Potter on Wednesday.  It was so different from the rest of the movies, but then again the book was the same.  It was a good movie, but I think I'll like the 2nd half better, because more stuff happens.  Last night was very fun for me.  I am a member of 2 meetup groups here, and I have been to 2 meetups so far - one for each group.  Yesterday evening we met up and went bowling!  I met some really nice people from all over the place.  I didn't bowl very well though!  At the end of last season, my average was 127.  I bowled a 113 and a 122 I think.  It's always my goal to beat my average, but even though I didn't do that, I still had lots of fun.

Afterwards we went out to a bar to grab a drink together.  It was so nice to meet English speakers!

Today I went to the commune (a sort of city hall for the district of Brussels I'm living in) to become a registered immigrant.  I was supposed to do that within 8 days of my arrival here, but they told me to come back today.  The Belgian system isn't exactly efficient.  Anyway, in order to receive a card, I will have to wait another 6-8 weeks!  The guy told me I should be able to take the paper he gave me and bring it to the bank to open an account though, so that's good.

Tomorrow we're having a party here at the house.  It is kind of a goodbye Alex (the girl who used to live here) welcome Ian party (although I'm more than half way through my sojourn here).  Anyway it will be fun and I'm sure lots of people will be here.  As for Sunday, I'm not too sure what is going on.  Alright, time to go!  I think I will put on some coffee.



  1. How do you figure you're half way through your sojourn? You've been there not quite 2 months and you are coming home in August. How does that work??
    Sounds like your meet up group is fun. It must be interesting meeting people from different countries and finding out what brings them to Brussels.

  2. Hey Mom, I mean I'm half way through my first sojourn! Ya, I met some students and some workers in the group - it's interesting to see why they're here. In Korea it was safe to guess English Teacher or military. People come here for tons of reasons!

  3. What are some of the reasons?

  4. School, business... lots of people are here because it's the 'capital of Europe' which means the offices and centres of the European institutions are here! Alright, I have to go! Time to go to the laundromat!


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