Wednesday 3 November 2010

Halloween! Walibi!

Daylight savings time already happened here, so for a week I'm only 5 hours ahead of those people at home.  So we carved some more pumpkins.  Each of the pumpkins were .69 Euro cents a kg.  So it worked out to be about 4.75 for each pumpkin.  They had weird ones at the grocery store that didn't look like normal pumpkins.  It was probably about 2 days before Halloween that they actually got pumpkins that were normal!

That one is mine

From left to right - mine, Klaude's, David's, David's.

It was very fun to show them what to do, David's pumpkin on the right was his first one, and Klaude's was her first one too!

Halloween night we went to Klaude's house and carved beets!  I didn't know you could carve beets, but alas you can!  Actually I just looked up a picture of a beet and I'm not sure if that was what we carved.  Anyway, here are pictures of that!

It was cool, and tasted surprisingly good for how ugly they look.

Monday we went to Walibi.  It was really fun!  Walibi is Belgium's answer to Canada's Wonderland.  They had their employees dressed up in scary costumes going around the park (some of them even had chainsaws!).  It was a fun day.  Here are some pictures!

They have food concession stands that have food we would have in Canada, but this was particularly Belgian - making crepes!

It was a very nice day.  Yesterday was pretty average, didn't do or see anything terribly exciting.  Today I'm going to google something like "lesser known museums in Brussels" because I feel like going somewhere off the beaten track to see something a little less popular.  Who knows what I'll find!

Tomorrow I'm going to make friends!  haha, I will freely admit that I recently typed into google "How to make friends in Brussels".  Anyway, a meetup group came up.  I am already a member of one (the one I'll meet tomorrow).  It will be the first time I'm meeting up with them.  The group is for English people living in Brussels for whatever reason, and who want to practice their French with other people who are learning.  We're going to a toy museum and maybe out afterwards for a drink.  It should be fun.  Anyway, after I googled how to make friends, I also found another group that is the same idea, but called something else.  They seem to have been bowling before (you can view past activities on the website) so that would be fun if they did that again and I could go.  I was in a bowling league between when I was in Korea and when I came here.  I really really enjoyed it.  It was on Friday nights.  All week at work I would be excited and look forward to it.  I miss it now!  The team carries on at home, good luck this year guys!  Hopefully I'll be allowed back on the team come next September!

Alright, time to go.  Like I said, I've decided to do lots today, I just don't know what!

Bye now!


  1. Ian, looks like Walibi was a good time! I couldn't remember your website for this blog so I typed in Ian Kivell brussels and it directed me to the website you signed up for to make some friends! Hope it works out for you :)

  2. I'm interested in the carved "beets." They look like parsnips to me. Did you eat them after you carved them??

  3. P.S. I wouldn't mind having a special Belgian crepe!


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