Tuesday 23 November 2010


Well, 2 days ago it was the 2nd anniversary of my going to Korea!  Doesn't seem that long ago, but it has been! Speaking of Korea, N. Korea attacked S. Korea today (click here to read the story).  Stuff like this would happen from time to time when I was over there and would scare me a bit, but it usually blows over.  The difference this time is that they actually attacked them instead of just launching missiles and things.  In March they torpedoed a submarine or something, so things are getting more and more serious.

I still know lots of people there.  The Canadians have been given this to look at, and the Americans this.

So far, nothing is happening in Belgium, so that's good.  Well, starting yesterday there is a train strike which is "paralyzing Belgium", but since I don't have to take a train, that doesn't affect me.  I've been thinking of going on a trip to somewhere nearby.  I think a trip to Western Germany (specifically a place called Aachen) is in the cards.  Aachen is the western-most city in Germany, and shares a border with both Belgium and the Netherlands.  It's especially famous for it's cathedral and it's Christmas Festival.

Here in Belgium, I worked last Thursday, but haven't since then and I have no plans to work until someone calls me to replace someone else who's sick.  I've decided I need more work, so I'll start to hunt maybe today and see what is out there.  Don't get me wrong - not working is just great, but not having money isn't so great!

As for plans in the immediate future... I'm washing towels at the moment, and am playing host to a significant amount of hunger.  Alors.  I will dry those towels soon, and eat.

Je n'ai pas écrit en français depuis longtemps!  Peut-être je vais faire un post qui sera seulement français!  Bien que j'étudie encore le français, je toujours oublie de l'écrit ici.  Alors - aujourd'hui je vais: chercher du travail, laver des serviettes et vêtements, boire du café, et peut-être aller au centre-ville.  Ça c'est tout!

You can copy & paste that text here if you don't know what that means and you want to know!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. It makes me sad to think of the separated countries. I will never forget the overwhelming feeling of sadness and grief standing at the wall in the DMZ where people had hung pictures, postcards, drawings, letters and pieces of clothes as memorials to loved ones on the other side in North Korea.


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