Wednesday 10 November 2010


Ok, so here are some pictures from what I mentioned in my last post!

Well Thursday I met some of the people in the Brussels French Meetup Group and we went to a toy museum!

Friday I went to Leuven (Louvain).  The name is different if your speaking Flemish or French.  Here are some pictures from that day.

The train I took there had 2 floors, it was very exciting and of course I went on the 2nd floor!

They had some very interesting buildings there, both modern and very old

This is the town hall.  I ended up getting a private tour of it!  There are tours every day at 3pm and I happened to be the only person there, so they brought me around!  Just me and the tour guide!  What an experience!  It has a very fortunate history - during the first world war, it was used as the headquarters of the Germans.  In the second world war, a bombing of it was attempted.  The bomb scraped by the front of the building, but when it landed just metres away, it didn't blow up!  This building is still here from the 15th century despite almost everything around it in the city being destroyed in the 2nd world war.  The statues you can see were added in the mid 19th century.

 "Large Beguinage of Leuven" - The Flemish beguinages are a unique testimony to the medieval mystical movement which produced them.  Beguines were 'religious women', widows or spinsters who wished to live an independent but committed life outside the recognised orders with their vows of fidelity and poverty.  They organised themselves in self-supported 'cities of peace', with architectural and urban qualities.  Today, mainly professors and students live here.

That was such a fun day.  Then came Saturday, with the Science Museum!

A replica of the mars rover!

Here I am excavating dinosaur bones!

This type of dinosaur actually never stood like that, but when the assembled the bones a long time ago, they didn't know that.  Now, the bones are too fragile to be moved, so they're going to stay like that!

Well, that was that.  I have had a busy few days, but I've been seeing a lot!  I hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday, and I'll update tomorrow with Remembrance Day things.

Bye everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You have taken some very nice pictures here. I like some of the close-ups very much. How did you enjoy the Brussels Meet Up group? Did you meet people from several different countries?


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