Thursday 4 November 2010


Ok.  Yesterday I went to a MASSIVE museum called the Royal Museum of Art and History.  It was such a good museum.  They even had native Canadian things there!  It was interesting... and BIG.  I could easily spend a whole day there, which I almost did, but alas I went later than I had planned.

Here are some pictures from that museum.

The museum is just beyond the archs

The native Canadian stuff.  In this case, from B.C.

Me next to one of the heads from Easter Island (it's a replica, but at least it gives you an idea of the SIZE).

Even the museum gift shop is nice

Each room in the museum was themed so well, as you can see from the pictures above.  It was in an old building and just was really well put together.  It would have been better had I taken an audio guide, but I didn't know that was an option until about half way through and by that time I was already in there for about 2 hours!

Today, I went to the Museum of Zoology (the 'lesser known' one I mentioned in my last post).  It was on the campus of the University Libré de Bruxelles (The Free University of Brussels).  Here are some pictures of my travels through the campus and in the building / museum.

So that's that.  Tonight I'll be meeting with the Brussels French Meetup Group.  It should be fun.  We're going to a museum!  You think that I'd be tired of them, but not yet!

It has been recently brought to my attention that in order to submit a comment on my blog, you have to click 'submit' twice.  I will see if I can fix that, but for now, keep it in mind that you have to see a message that says your comment will be moderated by me before it's posted.  Then you know it has worked.  If you don't get a message like that, you might have to click submit again.

I'll go see if I can fix that now.

Bye now!


  1. Are these fish growing like Logan?

  2. The museums look great. Have you been to work?? You don't mention that, I do realize that is a low priority. Work, that will come in time. Enjoy your day and glad to read your stories and the pictures are great


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