Sunday 28 November 2010

Pictures from Liège

Well as promised, here are the pictures I took in Liège.  Yesterday I went to an amazing Christmas market / festival.  The truly amazing part was when, for 7 minutes, they projected video onto the City Hall in the Grand Place.  I really mean it was jaw dropping, sooooo cool.  Of course, I video taped the whole thing!  That video will be coming shortly.  It was really something else!

For now, here are some pictures from Liège.  I will make a separate post for the Christmas festival.

Some of these pictures are a little blurry because I took a video and cut the picture from the video.  I did that because my camera really doesn't work well in low-light conditions.  anyway, here I am in the Cathedral of Liège.

 This is the train station!  Really modern!

 A flower peacock

 Meuse River

 Québec festival!  (poutine is on the sign!!)

 They also had their own Christmas market, but it wasn't open yet.

 The Canadian booth where I was talking to that guy
 A Belgian coloured lollipop!

That's all for now!  Today I'm going to the Musical Instrument Museum, so I'll take lots of pictures there!  K bye everyone, hope you're having a nice weekend!


  1. This looks like a pretty nice place to visit....the train station and Liege!

  2. Yes, they are! It was a nice city. Slower paced than Brussels, but still very historic and nice to look at! (very good fries too!)


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