Tuesday 26 October 2010

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger

That's the name of the movie I saw yesterday.  It was directed by Woody Allen.  It wasn't a movie I'd choose to see myself, but after watching it I've decided that I like it.  It was a little frustrating at times, and lots of story lines were left with lots of open ends, but I guess that leaves it up to the viewer to think about what might happen to the characters afterwards.

Anyway, here are some pictures from my recent travels.

These are actually pieces of the Berlin Wall.  

Then I went to the European Parliament in hopes of taking a tour... it was Friday, and Fridays are the only days they don't do tours at 3pm.  Alas, I'll have to go another time.

Picture of the European Parliament building

Another picture of the Palace Royale.

This is a tower built by a guy named Wim Delvoye.  He's a weird controversial artist who's work includes tattooing pigs and making a machine that takes in food and produces... well, anyway... Here's the story about the exhibit I saw that day.

This is a garden that is part of what is called the Square Meeting centre.  That link has a video and the video has a few pictures outside before it goes into the events centre.

In 1618 or 1619, this statue was installed.  It's a very famous statue of a boy peeing into the basin of the fountain.  It's called the Manneken Pis.  The first time I saw it, he was dressed up.  They sometimes put different clothes on him.  So this is the original statue, but he is seen everywhere in the form of key chains, pencil sharpeners and bottle openers.

Here's an example of a copy of the Manneken Pis.  He's looking very Belgian here, eating a waffle wearing the flag.

Belgium is known for its chocolate, and for good reason.

Then I went to the Catherdral of St. Michael and St. Gudula.  That website has nice pictures.  It was interesting.  They had a section beneath the sanctuary that was from the 13th century (I think).  It showed the original ground level entrance to the church!  The St.s after which the church is named (St.s Michael and Gudula) are also the patron saints of the city of Brussels.

On the weekend, I met some very nice people from Paris.  (The real Paris, not Paris Ontario).  Here is my new Parisian friend Sophie in the Grand Place posing with typical Brussels sights - a muscle and a french fry!

This is very close to the garden that was a few pictures ago.  It's actually in the same square.  It's a clock that has a series of bells (11).  I was there just before 5:30 (as you can see), and at 5:30, the bells ring - rather loudly - and play a nice song.  The 12 statues are important figures in Belgian history.

I had this salad after the movie yesterday.  It was very very tasty.  It might be a good competitor for my number one salad spot and that currently belongs to a salad from the Outback Steakhouse.  This one had a huge amount of goat cheese, and honey and sweet nuts and other types of deliciousness.

That's all for now.  Today is Tuesday and I'll find something entertaining to do.  Whatever it is I decide to do, you can count on pictures to come!

Hope everyone is well!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Ian! I love the close-ups. Sounds like you are getting right into the culture there.


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