Saturday 16 October 2010

2 weeks

Well, it's Saturday the 16th and I've been here for 2 weeks.  What has happened since Wednesday when I last updated... well, I took some more pictures of the Grand Place (the big square in the centre of town)

 This is of the most expensive hotel in Brussels.

That weird building is called the Atomium.  It was built in 1958 for the World Fair.  I will end up there one day, but for now it's just pictures from afar.

Crazy scary elevator from one level of the city to another

The following pictures are from a HUGE building called the Palace of Justice.  It was designed to diminish every other building around it and to make you feel tiny and insignificant next to the power of the law.  It works.  The building is terrifyingly intimidating.  But amazing at the same time.

So I went there, then I went for a walk down the street across from the Palace of Justice.  We're going back today to tour.  The goal is to end up at the top at that dome.  I'll post more pictures when I get back.  Right now, we have to go or we'll miss the tour!

Many more pictures to come...


  1. All the buildings look so pretty and amazing! It almost looks strange to see because Korea has nothing like it!!!

  2. My GOD, you're getting awfully good with a camera! Those pictures are just amazing- particularly the one with the staircase and the long corridor. Oh, and the one with the columns.

    So yeah- pretty much all of them.


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