Sunday 10 October 2010

A great Saturday

Well, I had a really great Saturday.  Me, David and Fabian went into the city centre and explored a bit.  Fabian brought us to this store that was tiny when you first walk in, then you go around a corner, up a stair case, through a hallway... it goes on and on and on!  It ended up being 3 houses which were combined into one store!  The stuff was SO expensive, but the house was something to look at for sure!  It was sooooo beautiful - there was a huge staircase.  Oh, the store sold decorative stuff, like interior design stuff... tiles and things, so every room in the house looked fantastic.  It was sooo neat.  Anyway, the house was HUGE and so nice to look at.

After that we found ourselves going to 2nd hand book stores and video game stores.  I finally found Mozart's piano sonatas/fantasies/rondos, which I've been looking for for a while because my old book is literally falling apart.  They were so cheap too, just 14 Euros in total for both books!!  Usually they're crazy expensive!  These ones are free of markings too which is lovely.

There is a piano place called hanlet pianos and I plan to rent a piano from them whilst I'm here.  You'll remember that I bought a piano in Korea too.  I can't go without one, so that's that.

Anyway, later we went into this great big square in the centre of town.  There I really felt like I was in Europe.  It was surrounded by old old buildings - huge towers and such.  I took pictures.

That was so nice.  After that, we went to this tiny bar which is so hidden, but in such a busy place.  You'd never know it was there unless someone showed it to you.  There, we had this sample platter thing of beer.  You got 4 small glasses of different types of beer and you could taste test them.  It was fun.

Here are some pictures from the second hand stores yesterday:

Well, the first one is just me next to a big cell phone, but the other is an old staircase in one of the 2nd hand shops.

Here are some pictures from my birthday too:

Right, I think those are all of the pictures I have been meaning to put up the last few days!  The weather here has been beautiful - it is supposed to be sunny the next 4 days or so.  That is very nice.  I'm not sure what's on the agenda for tonight, probably just relaxing and hanging out at home.  Tomorrow I plan to go back to Waterstone's bookstore with my resume and application.  Then when I'm there I might go back to that big square again because I really like it.

Alright, that's all for now.  Hope you enjoy the pictures!!  bye now


  1. Yes, we are enjoying the pics. Sounds like you had a nice birthday. Did you get poutine yet?

  2. That was a pretty fancy bday cake! Hope it was a good one. Those buildings are beautiful! They look similar to the ones Cheryl came across in Paris :)

  3. haha, no poutine Mom :(
    Jill - yes the buildings are so nice here. Also thanks for the picture of Logan on thanksgiving, VERY cute!!

  4. The fourth picture in the square- just jawdropping! Completely amazing.

    And I wish you had taken photos from the first store that you were in- it sounds really interesting!


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