Monday 18 October 2010


Yay!  I have a JOB!  I know I've only been here for 2 weeks, but I felt lazy and jobless, so finally I have a job and I'm very excited for it.  I am a substitute teacher with the International School of Brussels!  It's a challenging, well paying job and I hope it goes well.  My first day for sure is next Friday, although with substitute work they can call me at any time to ask me to come in.


Now, for the rest.  This weekend was fun, on Saturday I ended up back at the Palace of Justice, then at a birthday party.  It was fun, and they had pizza.  But not store bought or delivery, it was home made!  It was kind of a buffet style - really cool!  There were lumps of dough that had been pre-measured so you'd take one of them, then you'd put flour on the table and roll it out with a rolling pin, then add whatever toppings you wanted (there were cheeses, meats, veggies, pineapple and lots of other stuff).  Then you'd bake it and have your own home made pizza!  How fun!

Sunday was a nice day.  Me, David and Annick went to the North Sea.  We went to this natural reserve which had a lot of birds (owls, storks, etc.) which was fun to see.  Then we went to the beach.  Oh, the whole time we were close enough to see Holland!

By the end of the night, Annick decided that she would lend me her cello for the amount of time that I'm in Brussels too, so now I have a cello!!

In conclusion, I now have a cello, and a job.  Exciting times have befallen me.


  1. Oooops. I read the blog before I read the e-mail. Now I see it is in the music dept which is fantastic!!!!Finally you are in your element!
    You will have a great experience and so will the students!

  2. Congratulations on the subbing job, I hope you get lots of time in.
    Do you think the fish are getting to fat?

  3. A cello eh? And what might that be? Cell phone? I'm so happy you found something in music! That is incredible!


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