Friday 8 October 2010

Birthday thus far

Well it's my 26th birthday today.  So far I've gone all the way to the centre of Brussels to find a bookstore called Waterstones.  It's an English bookstore I plan to apply to.  They gave me an application form.  Then I came back.  That all sounds easy, but it took about 2 hours.  Anyway, I tried to open up a bank account but they said I needed my Belgian card.  In order to get that, I have to go to an appointment close to the end of NOVEMBER.  It's all SO annoying and frustrating.  The only thing good so far is that the sky is nice and blue today.  Hopefully the rest of the day & the night are better.  Well, I know they'll be better because I won't be running around the city trying to do stuff I can't.  The worst part about the bank account thing? If I were from another country in Europe, they'd magically trust me enough to open the account, but since I'm from Canada I need this stupid piece of paper.  I have a few choice words for how I feel right now, but I shan't put them here... I believe they would offend some people.

Anyway I'm hungry and cranky.  No one is home right now... I wonder what I'll do.  I'm not doing anymore job hunting or work today.  I might just fill out the application Waterstones gave me.  Other than that it's Ian's day now.

I'll update again maybe tomorrow to say how the rest of my birthday went.  Bye bye, have a nice Friday everyone!


  1. Happy Birthday Ian, I hope the remainder of your day went well. Good luck at the job hunt, without a bank account you will need a job real soon. Good luck

  2. Without a bank account, you will budget!!!!!!!!
    Hope your birthday was memorable and fun. Going to Jill's for turkey dinner after work today. Happy Thanksgiving......

  3. That's kind of a crappy way to spend your birthday. Damn red tape is so frustrating, isn't it? But I suppose the fact that you're off in a foreign country having a great time otherwise sort of makes up for the lack of a bank account. It will all get sorted in time- meantime? Just enjoy.


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